Friday, February 15, 2013

I GET TO....

Spend my afternoon eating really amazing food with a really amazing man, saying I love you over and over (without speaking a single word, because love warrants that you don't have to)...

Spend my life with a person that can annoy me into loving him just a little bit more everyday....

Consider that one day there will be a baby that looks like him - the perfect smile, full lips, beautiful eyes, chiseled nose....

Consider that he chose me just like I chose him and we both don't regret our choices (not today, not ever).....

Hold hands, fingers intertwined, walking through the mall where for once I get to pick him out something to wear....

Hold him in my arms, hugged close, heart to heart...

Forget that Valentine's Day is not just about him catering to me....

Forget the times when Valentine's weekend was just another time period on a calendar dating back to yesteryear, when it was never acknowledged as having anything to do with my life or as a moment to celebrate....

Know that no matter what we aren't the same as we were yesterday or last year or ten years ago......

Know that we are...right where we are...supposed to longer separate individuals journeying through life but together...

1 comment:

LaNeisha said...

Beautiful... <3