Sunday, October 3, 2010

October Sky

It is October already and I have to settle myself in the fact that summer is truly over now. I didn't get outside as much as I thought I would, but I do love fall too. I am not looking forward to snow, but I know that it is part of the process and each season brings with it something to appreciate.

I am going to be 33 in a week. That too is hard to swallow. I am so grateful for life and am looking forward to what this year will bring for me. I am believing God that I will meet the man meant for me, that I will truly be happy and settled in my spirit about some things I have been seeking God for. But more, I am believing that I will continue to make a difference in the lives of the people God has sent me to impact.

One of the assignments my pastor has asked us to complete by next Sunday (10/10/10) is to list the things that we want to improve upon in our lives, that we want to be better in, the areas where we want to successfully complete some things. I listed most areas that are common to us all: relationships with God and people, my careers (writing, art, and social work), my finances, and also living totally as the woman God intends me to be (not under the constraints that others may put upon me). I have come a long way and want to go further.

So much has changed in my life and in the lives of others around me. I see those changes but also know that I need to fulfill the destiny I am called to fulfill. Now is the time to fulfill some things for myself. I have strived to help others fulfill and complete their assignments. Now is the time to complete some things myself.

The October Sky is full of possibilities. I am turning a new age this month, entering a new season in my life at this time. And I am excited.

It has been a long time since I have been excited about my own life.


Talulazoeapple said...

Good for you. Make that list and check it twice. I am in the same boat, really needing to live for me.
Along with the usual. I want to date a lot. lol and have more fun. Responsible but fun.

HisDaughter83 said...

October is going to be a month of manifestations. You're going to see all of those things begin to come to pass.

I so understand you on that part about God bringing the man for you. What's good is that you realize that he will be sent, especially made for you, by God. It took me two years of forcing a square peg into a whole to realize this....

Myowne said...

Wow...thanks FullComplexity for the comment. It took a really really LOOOONG time to get to this point. I tried to force a whole lot of square pegs to fit and in the end I realized that what I desire in my heart is NOT too much to ask for. It is simply a vocalization of what I need in my life. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't need to settle but for the most part I act on what I know to be the truth: that God does have something better for me. And the same is true for you!